Artificial intelligence—AI—is rapidly appearing in more and more contexts, but one most people have almost certainly seen by now is at the top of Google’s search engine results. For those who would rather not see these generated results—which have been found to be occasionally contradictory or outright wrong, depending on the source the AI has drawn from—there are actually a few ways to accomplish this.
Humorously, one of these ways is to precede your search with a particular four-letter curse word, but in case you’re worried about what kind of results that could generate, we’ll go over the other, more safe-for-work options.
It just goes to show that AI can be extremely helpful, but only when applied mindfully and with purpose.
Really, the same can be said for any technology… which is why we work to ensure the businesses of Texas have the right tools for their respective jobs. Give us a call at (972) 290-2350 to learn more about what we have to offer.